Sauce Rank

Sauce Rank

Many foods are primarily flavored with some form of sauce. That might barbecue sauce, it might be sriracha, or wing sauce, tomato sauce, or even hollandaise sauce. All with uniquely delicious flavors creating endless variety in what you eat.

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How do you find new sauce flavors?

Your local grocer only carries so many, and the average family (according to the Harvard Business Review) repeatedly buys the same 150 food products over and over, forever. Possibly out of habit, possibly because of food costs, but just as likely because of a lazy lifestyle and lack of imagination. In a world where more and more shopping is done online, there needs to be a consolidated retailer agnostic place to find new foods and reviews for them. In a way that isn’t skewed by retailers toxic positivity in their rating systems.

And so I created Sauce Rank to cater to one part of the grocery and food purchasing market. By creating a sauce discovery platform that gives all sauces equal “shelf” space regardless of company size. And a place where sauce fans can vote for sauces they love, and can leave their own comments or reviews. Have a look and find yourself some delicious new sauces.

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sauce rank
SauceRank find your sauce flavors